Node.js is eating the world. Many of the largest companies are building more and more of their backend using Node.js, NODEJS IS GROWING WE ARE ALSO GROWING.
This tutorial will take you step-by-step through building a fully functional Leave Management system. Along the way you’ll learn about Express.js, the most popular web framework, user authentication, locking down routes to enforce login restrictions, and performing CRUD operations with a database (creating, reading, updating, and deleting data). This tutorial uses the following technologies but doesn’t require any prior experience:
What we want to do.
We want to build a leave management system where a registered staff of an organization can request leave and the admin(manager or HR) will approve the leave request and an email notification will be sent to the staff.
This article will be broken into Modules.
1:Overview of dependencies, project setup, and server setups.
4:Leave request and approval
Main Dependencies
1:Nodejs must be installed
2:MongoDB database
Overview of dependencies, project setup, and server setups.
The src folder contains the source file of the project. the purpose of each of the subfolders will be explained subsequently.
Let's get to it.
Create a server.js file in the root folder and copy this into the empty file.
const express = require("express");
const app = express();
const port = process.env.PORT || 3000;
const vm = require("v-response");
const morgan = require('morgan');
const mongoose = require("mongoose")
const database = 'mongodb://localhost:27017/levemanagementdb';
mongoose.connect((database), {
useUnifiedTopology: true,
useFindAndModify: false,
useNewUrlParser: true,
useCreateIndex: true,
.then(async () => {
vm.log("connected to database", database);
.catch(err => vm.log("error mongodb", err));
app.listen(port, () => vm.log("server running on port:", port));
The server.js file will start up our Nodejs server to run this you can type this to your terminal
node server.js
If all goes well you should get this in your terminal
We need to create an endpoint whereby users can register to achieve that we need to create an authentication folder in our project and create four files inside the folder (auth.model.js,auth.route.js,auth.controller.js, auth.validation.js) in the auth. model file
const mongoose = require("mongoose");
const Schema = mongoose.Schema;
const userSchema = new Schema({
type: String
manager: {
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: "user"
email: {
type: String
password: {
type: String
role: {
type: String,
enum: ['manager', 'staff'],
default: 'staff'
deleted: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
}, {timestamps: true});
const Usermodel = mongoose.model('user', userSchema, 'Users');
module.exports = Usermodel
'use strict';
const Validator = require("validatorjs");
export const UserValidator = {
* @param {Object} obj The validation object
* @return {Object}
* */
validateAccount(obj) {
const rules = {
email: 'required|string',
password: 'required|string',
fullname: 'required|string',
manager: 'required|string',
const validator = new Validator(obj, rules);
return {
errors: validator.errors.all(),
passed: validator.passes(),
const UserValidator = require("./auth.validator");
const _ = require("underscore");
const User = require("./auth.model");
const vm = require("v-response");
* @controller User authentication controller
* */
* @param
* */
exports.CreateAccount = async (req, res, next) => {
try {
let obj = req.body;
const validateUserInput = await UserValidator.validateAccount(obj);
if (!validateUserInput.passed) {
return res.status(400)
status: false,
code: 400,
message: "There's error in your inputs",
errors: validateUserInput.errors,
const checkUserEmail = await User.findOne({email:})
if (checkUserEmail) {
return res.status(409)
.json(vm.ApiResponse(false, 409, 'email already exist'))
} else if (!checkUserEmail) {
_.extend(obj, {
password: await vm.hashedPassword(obj.password, 10),
const account_object = await new User(obj);
const saveAccount = await;
if (!saveAccount) {
return res.status(400)
.json(vm.ApiResponse(false, 400, "Oops! an error occurr"))
} else {
saveAccount.password = null;
return res.status(201)
.json(vm.ApiResponse(true, 200, `account created`, account_object));
} catch (e) {
return next(e);
exports.login = async (req, res, next) => {
try {
const checkEmail = await User.findOne({email:});
if (!checkEmail) {
return res.status(400)
.json(vm.ApiResponse(false, 400, 'email not found'))
} else {
const compareEmail = vm.comparepassword(checkEmail.password, req.body.password);
if (compareEmail) {
const signtoken = vm.signToken(checkEmail._id, 'yourSecret');
checkEmail.password = null;
return res.status(200)
.json(vm.ApiResponse(true, 200, "login sucessfull", {user: checkEmail, token: signtoken}))
} catch (e) {
return next(e);
//list manager so when staff needs to register they can select their managers
exports.listManagers = async (req, res, next) => {
try {
const findMangers = await User.find({role: "manager"})
if (findMangers) {
return res.json(findMangers);
} else if (findMangers.length === 0) {
return res.json('0 managers')
} else {
return res.json("Oops! an error occurr")
} catch (e) {
return next(e);
'use strict';
const {Router} = require('express');
const UserController = require("./auth.controller");
const router = Router();"/create/account", UserController.CreateAccount);"/account/login", UserController.login);
router.get("/managers/list", UserController.listManagers);
module.exports = router;
So We are done with the first module which enables users to register and login into their account so in the next module we will be working on sending a leave request as a staff and notifying the manager of the leave request via email and also notify the staff when the manager approves or reject leave request for the email notification we will be using SendGrid you can create an account
Create a Mailer.js file
'use strict';
const Helper = require("sendgrid").mail;
const sg = require('sendgrid')('yourkey');
const vm = require("v-response");
module.exports.sendMail = sendMail;
function sendMail(from, to, subject, content, template) {
let fromEmail = new Helper.Email(from);
let toEmail = new Helper.Email(to);
let emailContent = new Helper.Content("text/html", content);
let mail = new Helper.Mail(fromEmail, subject, toEmail, emailContent);
let isEmailSent = false;
let request = sg.emptyRequest({
method: 'POST',
path: '/v3/mail/send',
body: mail.toJSON()
sg.API(request, function (err, response) {
if (err) {
vm.log("err in sendgrid: ", err);
isEmailSent = false;
vm.log("sendgrid body:", response.statusCode);
isEmailSent = true;
return isEmailSent;
Create a leave folder and create three files(leave.model.js,leave.route.js,leave.controller.js)
const mongoose = require("mongoose");
const Schema = mongoose.Schema;
const leaveSchema = new Schema({
reason: {
type: String
staff: {
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: "user"
leave_status: {
type: String,
enum: ['pending', 'approved', 'rejected'],
default: "pending"
}, {timestamps: true})
const leaveModel = mongoose.model("leave", leaveSchema, "Leave");
module.exports = leaveModel;
const {sendMail} = require("../util/mailer");
const LeaveModel = require("./leave.model");
const User = require("../authentication/auth.model");
const _ = require("underscore");
const vm = require("v-response");
//request leave
exports.requestLeave = async (req, res, next) => {
try {
const find_user = await User.findById(req.body.staff);
if (!find_user) {
return res.status(400)
.json(vm.ApiResponse(false, 400, 'Invalid user details or unverified account'))
} else {
const leaverequestBody = _.extend(req.body, {staff: find_user._id, reason: req.body.reason})
const createLeaveRequest = await new LeaveModel(leaverequestBody);
const find_manager = await User.findOne({_id: find_user.manager});
//notify staff manager about leave request
await sendMail('noreply@leavemanagement',, 'Leave Request', `${find_user.fullname} is requesting for leave`);
return res.status(200)
.json(vm.ApiResponse(true, 200, "leave request sent"))
} catch (e) {
return next(e);
exports.approveLeaveOrRejectLeave = async (req, res, next) => {
try {
const findLeave = await LeaveModel.findById(req.query.leave_id);
const findstaff = await User.findById(findLeave.staff);
if (!findLeave) {
return res.status(404)
.json(vm.ApiResponse(false, 400, 'Leave request not found'))
} else if (findLeave) {
if (req.body.approvalstatus === 'approved') {
await sendMail('noreply@leavemanagement',, 'Leave Approval', `Hello ${findstaff.fullname},your leave request has been approved`);
} else {
await sendMail('noreply@leavemanagement',, 'Leave Approval', `Hello ${findstaff.fullname},your leave request has been rejected `);
findLeave.leave_status = req.body.approvalstatus;
return res.status(200)
.json(vm.ApiResponse(true, 200, "leave request status updated successfully"))
} catch (e) {
return next(e);
'use strict';
const {ManagerChecker} = require("../util/RoleChecker");
const {Router} = require('express');
const LeaveController = require("./leave.controller");
const router = Router();"/request/leave", LeaveController.requestLeave);
//the ManagerChecker ensures that only a manager can approve or reject a leave request
router.patch("/update/leave/status", ManagerChecker, LeaveController.approveLeaveOrRejectLeave);
module.exports = router;
Create a MangerCheck.js file
const User = require("../authentication/auth.model");
const jwt = require("jsonwebtoken")
exports.ManagerChecker = async (req, res, next) => {
let token = req.headers.authorization;
if (!token) {
return res.status(400)
.json("please login to continue")
if (token !== undefined) {
let decodeToken = jwt.decode(token);
let id =;
if (id) {
let user = await User.findById(id);
if (user && user.role !== 'manager') {
return res.status(403).json({
status: false,
code: 403,
message: 'You are not authorized to do this action'
} else {
return next();
return next();
And lastly, let's seed a manager account so we can test all our hard work if you've made it this far "Ooin you're doing well"
CREATE A seeder.js file
const mongoose = require("mongoose");
const bcrypt = require("bcryptjs");
mongoose.Promise = require('bluebird');
const db = 'mongodb://localhost:27017/levemanagementdb';
const User = require("../authentication/auth.model");
async function seedUser() {
const hash = await bcrypt.hash('password123', 10);
email: "",
password: hash,
fullname: "staff manager",
role: 'manager',
}).then(user => {
console.log(`${user} user created`);
}).catch((err) => {
}).finally(() => {
To use the seeder file add this to the script in your package.json file
"seed": "node util/seeder.js"
then run
npm run seed
if all goes well you should see this in your terminal
user created
then start your Nodejs server
See API Documentation:
See Github Repository:
You can also add other features to this simple leave management Restapi or do let me know in the comment section what you look out for next
Thank you Guys!!!