Hello there In this post we are going to create a backend Node JS server that uses the cloudinary library to upload multiple images at once because cloudinary doesn't support multiple images by default so we are going to find a way around it. Brace yourselves, I hope you are excited as I am.
We will need the following installed on our machines to get started;
Node JS
Cloudinary account Click here
Let get started.
First, we create our project folder and also initialize our project using
The following
mkdir cloud_mutilple_image
cd cloud_mutilple_image
npm inti
which would create a package.json file for us.
Next, we would structure our project, in the root folder we would need to create a server.js file, which would be the main entry point of our application, then we will need a helper folder to contain our application helper.js file. Our project structure would look like this.
Server.js file Where we will be starting our development server
helper.js file where will have our upload (helper) function
Now let create a user folder where we will have Our user.controller.js, user.model.js and user.route.js
find all created user:
Now let test our endpoints:
create endpoint:
find endpoint: